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Research (Published online : 15-06-2013)

1. Clinical and diagnostic methods for evaluation of sharp foreign body syndrome in buffaloes - Nasr-Eldin M. Aref and Mohamed A. H. Abdel-Hakiem

Veterinary World, 2013; 6(9): 586-591

Aim: The present study was designed to evaluate clinically and under laboratory condition the sharp foreign body syndrome (SFBS) in buffaloes with special emphasis on the diagnostic value of radiography, ultrasonography and blood gases and acidbase balance.

Materials and Methods: 196 buffaloes with a history of anorexia, reduction of milk production and no response to previous medical treatment were included in the present study. These animals were subjected to clinical and radiographical examinations. Positive cases for SFBS were further evaluated by sonography, hemato-biochemical and blood gas and acid base balance analysis.

Results: Out of 196 admitted cases, 49 (25%) cases were confirmed as SFBS by clinical and radiographical examination. Positive cases were subsequently divided into two main categories (complicated and non complicated) according to radiographical and sonographical findings. SFBS with no complication was diagnosed in 16 cases while 33 cases showed various degrees of complication including reticular adhesion (abdominal and diaphragmatic, n= 23), diaphragmatic hernia (n = 6) and traumatic pericarditis (n = 4). Leukocytosis, hyperprotenemia and increased activity of AST and ALT were of additional values in the diagnosis of SFBS. A consistent finding of primary metabolic alkalosis was recorded in all cases except one with advanced traumatic pericarditis that showed metabolic acidosis.

Conclusion: While there is no substitution for clinical examination, using of ultrasonography and radiography simultaneously are essential for proper evaluation and differentiation between various sequelae of SFBS in buffaloes. Radiography is an efficient tool for visualization of metallic foreign body while ultrasonography is an excellent device in assessing fibrinous deposits. Hemato-biochemical and blood gases and acid base balance are of additional values in discriminating between various outcomes of SFBS.

Keywords: acid-base balance, blood gases, buffaloes, radiography, sharp foreign body syndrome, ultrasonography


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