Veterinary World


ISSN (Online): 2231-0916


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1.    Aspects of ultrasonographic diagnostics of pregnancy in bitches depending on the first mating - A. Aissi

Vet World. 2008; 1(10): 293-295

The aim of the present study was to follow up the potential of routine ultrasonographic diagnostics of pregnancy in bitches depending on the first mating. The experiments were performed on 32 bitches. Pregnancy was detected using transabdominal ultrasonography with Siemens sonoline adara equipment and a covex 5 MHz probe. Subsequent serial examinations were made to sonographically characterize normal canine prenatal development based about the first mating. An enlarged uterus, gestational sacs and fetal poles were recognized as the features of early bitchs pregnancy and were first seen at 16 and 21 days, respectively. Cardiac activity was detected earliest on gestational day 22 and recognizable canine fetal morphology appeared at day 28. Generalized fetal movements were first noted at day 28.

Key words: pregnancy, bitch, ultrasound, mating