Open Access
Research (Published online: 25-03-2022)
22. An assessment of knowledge and attitude toward antibiotic misuse by small-scale broiler farmers in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Rusman Efendi, Etih Sudarnika, I. Wayan Teguh Wibawan and Trioso Purnawarman
Veterinary World, 15(3): 707-713

Rusman Efendi: Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, South Tangerang City 15419 Indonesia; Department of Animal Disease and Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
Etih Sudarnika: Department of Animal Disease and Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
I. Wayan Teguh Wibawan: Department of Animal Disease and Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.
Trioso Purnawarman: Department of Animal Disease and Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor 16680, Indonesia.


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Article history: Received: 06-11-2021, Accepted: 10-02-2022, Published online: 25-03-2022

Corresponding author: Etih Sudarnika


Citation: Efendi R, Sudarnika E, Wibawan IWT, Purnawarman T (2022) An assessment of knowledge and attitude toward antibiotic misuse by small-scale broiler farmers in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, Veterinary World, 15(3): 707-713.

Background and Aim: Antibiotics are often overused and misused by broiler farmers. Moreover, this practice may lead to antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics may be used for various purposes such as therapy, prophylaxis, flushing, and growth promoters. The study aimed to examine the association of knowledge and attitudes with antibiotics used by broiler farmers.

Materials and Methods: The study design was cross-sectional. The data were obtained from interviewing 132 farmers' households in Bogor District, West Java, Indonesia. The outcome variable was antibiotic use, whereas the independent variables included knowledge and attitude toward antibiotic resistance. The statistical analysis used a t-test and correlation test.

Results: A total of 78% of broilers farmers use antibiotics, and most of the farmers used antibiotics for flushing and prophylaxis. Furthermore, antibiotic use was associated with broiler farmers' knowledge and attitudes toward antibiotic resistance. However, there is no significant correlation between the duration of antibiotics use and their knowledge and attitude.

Conclusion: The use of antibiotics in broilers is still high in Bogor, and most of the used antibiotics belong to the Medically Important Antimicrobial category. In general, the use of antibiotics in broilers is influenced by knowledge.

Keywords: antibiotic resistance, attitude, broilers, knowledge, use of antibiotics.