Veterinary World


ISSN (Online): 2231-0916


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7.    Evaluation of Buffalo Milk With Reference to Somatic Cell Count and Antitrypsin - A. M. Syed, S. U. Digraskar and K. B. Awaz 
Vet World. 2009; 2(7): 267-268


The present study was carried out for the assessment of buffalo milk quality by assessing the somatic cell count and antitrypsin of milk. Thirty buffalo milk samples collected directly from udder were subjected to the detection of somatic cell count and antitrypsin of the milk. The mean value of somatic cell count was 223.46x103±26.522 cells/ml and the mean value of antitrypsin of raw buffalo milk was 6.87±0.054 µg/ml. The result showed that there was an increased somatic cell count and antitrypsin which indicated that there was inflammation of udder suggestive of underlying mastitis.

Keywords: somatic cell count, antitrypsin, Milk quality, mastitis.