Veterinary World


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Original Research

7. Comparison of local Salmonella pullorum antigen with imported product in whole blood agglutination test - Priyani Medewewa, Madalagama A. R. Priyantha, Gnana Gunawardana, A. A. Vipulasiri, Nilukshi Liyanagunawardana
Vet World. 2012; 5(9): 546-548

Background: Salmonellosis is considered as one of the most important diseases in poultry as it causes devastating losses in chicken industry. Proper identification of the infected and carrier birds is required to control the disease among chickens. In field situation whole blood agglutination test is performed in order to identify carriers of Pullorum and Fowl typhoid particularly, in breeder operations. In this test, serum antibodies are detected by using a specially made antigen for this purpose. In Sri Lanka, three antigen products are used commonly in whole blood agglutination test.

Aim: This study was carried out to compare these two locally available S. Pullorum antigen products and to determine any difference in the efficacy.

Materials and Methods: “Shaver Brown” commercial layer birds (70 in number) were used in the experiment. Birds were inoculated orally with 1.8X109cfu/ml of S. Pullorum at 16 weeks age. After Three weeks post inoculation, blood was collected from each bird and Whole blood agglutination test was performed using both antigen products. Fifteen (15) inoculated hens were selected randomly and cloacal swabs were cultured on cultured Agar on same day of serum collected.

Results: In this study, there was no significant difference observed between two antigens to detect carrier birds by whole blood agglutination test. Salmonella was not isolated from cloacal swabs since no observed excretion of Salmonella Pullorum through faces. All cloacal swabs gave negative results, when cultured on artificial Agar.

Conclusion: Both antigen can be used effectively to detect carrier birds under the control program in country. Keywords: Cloacal Swabs, Layer birds, Shaver Brown,Whole blood agglutination test.