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Research (Published online: 19-07-2014)

11. Effect of thermo-tolerant yeast on intake and nutrient digestibility's in Murrah buffalo steers (Bubalus bubalis) fed straw based complete diet - B. Bhima, Y. Ramana Reddy, M. Sudhakara Reddy, M. Pawani and L. Venkateswar Rao
Veterinary World, 7(7): 501-504



   doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2014.501-504


B. Bhima:
Department of Microbiology, University College of Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, India;

Y. Ramana Reddy: Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateshwara Veterinary University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030, Andhra Pradesh, India;

M. Sudhakara Reddy: Department of Microbiology, University College of Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, India;

M. Pawani: Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateshwara Veterinary University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030, Andhra Pradesh, India;

L. Venkateswar Rao: Department of Microbiology, University College of Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, India;

Received: 27-04-2014, Revised: 10-06-2014, Accepted: 13-06-2014, Published online: 19-07-2014


Corresponding author: B. Bhima, email:, Tel: +91-9494441624

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