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Research (Published online: 18-08-2015)

9.  Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in local cattle breeds of Senegal based on autosomal microsatellite markers - Ndèye Penda Ndiaye, Adama Sow, Guiguigbaza-Kossigan Dayo, Saliou Ndiaye, Germain Jerôme Sawadogo and Mbacké Sembène

Veterinary World, 8(8): 994-1005



   doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2015.994-1005


Ndèye Penda Ndiaye: Department of Animal Biology, FST (UCAD), Dakar Fann-PO 5005, Laboratory of Endocrinology and Radio-immunology, EISMV, Dakar Fann-PO 5077, Senegal;

Adama Sow: Laboratory of Endocrinology and Radio-immunology, EISMV, Dakar Fann-PO 5077, Senegal;

Guiguigbaza-Kossigan Dayo: CIRDES, Bobo Dioulasso 01-PO 454, Burkina Faso;

Saliou Ndiaye: ENSA, University of Thiès, Thiès RP-PO A 296, Senegal;

Germain Jerôme Sawadogo: Laboratory of Endocrinology and Radio-immunology, EISMV, Dakar Fann-PO 5077, Senegal;

Mbacké Sembène: Department of Animal Biology, FST (UCAD), Dakar Fann-PO 5005, Laboratory CBGP, IRD, Dakar Bel Air- PO 1386, Senegal;


Received: 27-03-2015, Revised: 09-07-2015, Accepted: 20-07-2015, Published online: 18-08-2015


Corresponding author: Ndèye Penda Ndiaye, e-mail:

Citation: Ndiaye NP, Sow A, Dayo GK, Ndiaye S, Sawadogo GJ, Sembène M (2015) Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in local cattle breeds of Senegal based on autosomal microsatellite markers, Veterinary World 8(8): 994-1005.

Aim: In Senegal, uncontrolled cross-breeding of cattle breeds and changes in production systems are assumed to lead to an increase of gene flow between populations. This might constitute a relevant threat to livestock improvement. Therewith, this study was carried out to assess the current genetic diversity and the phylogenetic relationships of the four native Senegalese cattle breeds (Gobra zebu, Maure zebu, Djakoré, and N’Dama).

Methods: Genomic DNA was isolated from blood samples of 120 unrelated animals collected from three agro-ecological areas of Senegal according to their phenotypic traits. Genotyping was done using 11 specific highly polymorphic microsatellite makers recommended by Food and Agriculture Organization. The basic measures of genetic variation and phylogenetic trees were computed using bioinformatics’ software.

Results: A total of 115 alleles were identified with a number of alleles (Na) at one locus ranging from 6 to 16. All loci were polymorphic with a mean polymorphic information content of 0.76. The mean allelic richness (Rs) lay within the narrow range of 5.14 in N’Dama taurine to 6.10 in Gobra zebu. While, the expected heterozygosity (HE) per breed was high in general with an overall mean of 0.76±0.04. Generally, the heterozygote deficiency (FIS) of 0.073±0.026 was relatively due to inbreeding among these cattle breeds or the occurrence of population substructure. The high values of allelic and gene diversity showed that Senegalese native cattle breeds represented an important reservoir of genetic variation. The genetic distances and clustering trees concluded that the N’Dama cattle were most distinct among the investigated cattle populations. So, the principal component analyses showed qualitatively that there was an intensive genetic admixture between the Gobra zebu and Maure zebu breeds.

Conclusions: The broad genetic diversity in Senegalese cattle breeds will allow for greater opportunities for improvement of productivity and adaptation relative to global changes. For the development of sustainable breeding and crossbreeding programs of Senegalese local breeds, effective management is needed towards genetic selection and transhumance to ensure their long-term survival.

Keywords: cattle, genetic diversity, microsatellite markers, phylogenetic analysis, Senegal.

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