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Research (Published online: 31-01-2015)

25. The influence of altitude and landforms on some biochemical and hematological parameters in Ouled Djellal ewes from arid area of South East Algeria - Mohammed Titaouine and Toufik Meziane

Veterinary World, 8(1): 130-134



   doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2015.130-134



Mohammed Titaouine: Department of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Environment, Animal Health and Production, University of El-Hadj Lakhdar, Batna 05000, Algeria; 2. Department of Nature and Life Science, University of Mohamed Kheider, Biskra 07000, Algeria;

Toufik Meziane: Department of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Environment, Animal Health and Production, University of El-Hadj Lakhdar, Batna 05000, Algeria;


Received: 03-09-2014, Revised: 19-12-2014, Accepted: 30-12-2014, Published online: 31-01-2015


Corresponding author: Mohammed Titaouine, e-mail:

Aim: This study was conducted on Ouled Djellal ewes in arid area of south-east Algeria in order to reveal the influence of altitude and landforms on some hematological and biochemical parameters.

Materials and Methods: A total of 160 ewes having 3-5 years of age, multiparous, non-pregnant, non-lactating and reared in arid areas of South East Algeria were included. Blood samples were divided according to factors of altitude and landform (plain region at 150 m above sea level, tableland region at 600 m above sea level and mountain region at 1000 m above sea level). The whole blood was analyzed for hematology, and plasma samples for biochemical analysis.

Results: The study found lowest glucose concentrations were detected in tableland region at 600 m. In plain region at 150 m, ewes had a higher (p<0.01) concentration of cholesterol and triglyceride. Furthermore, a higher concentration of total proteins (p<0.01) and urea (p<0.05) were detected in plain region at 150 m. The average blood creatinine concentration in mountain ewes at 1000 m and tableland ewes at 600 m were higher (p<0.05) that in plain ewes at 150 m. The highest calcium concentration was found at the altitude of 150 m and the lowest at the altitude of 1000 m (1.12±0.35 mmol/L vs. 0.52±0.03 mmol/L). Phosphorus levels were higher at altitudes of 150 m than at the altitude of 600 m and 1000 m (0.93±0.42 mmol/L vs. 0.68±0.54 mmol/L, 0.23±0.01 mmol/L). The highest hemoglobin concentration and value of hematocrit were detected in mountain ewes at the altitude of 1000 m (120.61 g/L, 40%) and the lowest at the altitude of 150 m (73.2 g/L, 31%) (p<0.001).

Conclusion: We concluded that hematological and biochemical parameters in Ouled Djellel ewes reared in arid area may be affected by altitude and landforms.

Keywords: altitude, arid area, biochemistry, hematology, landform, Ouled Djallel ewes.

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