Open Access
Research (Published online: 05-09-2017)
3. Zoo agent's measure in applying the five freedoms principles for animal welfare
Argyo Demartoto, Robertus Bellarminus Soemanto and Siti Zunariyah
Veterinary World, 10(9): 1026-1034

Argyo Demartoto: Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia.
Robertus Bellarminus Soemanto: Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia.
Siti Zunariyah: Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia.

doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2017.1026-1034

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Article history: Received: 04-04-2017, Accepted: 04-08-2017, Published online: 05-09-2017

Corresponding author: Argyo Demartoto


Citation: Demartoto A, Soemanto RB, Zunariyah S (2017) Zoo agent's measure in applying the five freedoms principles for animal welfare, Veterinary World, 10(9): 1026-1034.

Background: Animal welfare should be prioritized not only for the animal's life sustainability but also for supporting the sustainability of living organism's life on the earth. However, Indonesian people have not understood it yet, thereby still treating animals arbitrarily and not appreciating either domesticated or wild animals.

Aim: This research aimed to analyze the zoo agent's action in applying the five freedoms principle for animal welfare in Taman Satwa Taru Jurug (thereafter called TSTJ) or Surakarta Zoo and Gembira Loka Zoo (GLZ) of Yogyakarta Indonesia using Giddens structuration theory.

Materials and Methods: The informants in this comparative study with explorative were organizers, visitors, and stakeholders of zoos selected using purposive sampling technique. The informants consisted of 19 persons: 8 from TSTJ (Code T) and 10 from GLZ (Code G) and representatives from Natural Resource Conservation Center of Central Java (Code B). Data were collected through observation, in-depth interview, and Focus Group Discussion and Documentation. Data were analyzed using an interactive model of analysis consisting of three components: Data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Data validation was carried out using method and data source triangulations.

Results: Food, nutrition, and nutrition level have been given consistent with the animals' habit and natural behavior. Animal keepers always maintain their self-cleanliness. GLZ has provided cages according to the technical instruction of constructing ideal cages, but the cages in TSTJ are worrying as they are not consistent with standard, rusty, and damaged, and animals have no partner. Some animals in GLZ are often sick, whereas some animals in TSTJ are dead due to poor maintenance. The iron pillars of cages restrict animal behavior in TSTJ so that they have not had freedom to behave normally yet, whereas, in GLZ, they can move freely in original habitat. The animals in the two zoos have not been free from disruption, stress, and pressure due to the passing over vehicles.

Conclusion: There should be strategic communication, information, and education, community development, and law enforcement for the animal welfare.

Keywords: agent, animal welfare, structure, the five freedoms, zoo.


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